Flower of the Season 2022
"Body as Evidence" Andrés Corchero and Oguri
Date change! Saturday, JUly 30, 8:00PM Sunday, JUly 31, 4:00PM
Admission: Free. Ticket Link: shorturl.at/osDHS
Electric Lodge
1416 Electric Avenue, Venice, CA 90291. Free parking at Electric Lodge
Body Weather Laboratory presents Flower of the Season 2022. Continuing a 19-year tradition of minimal yet encompassing the use of space and theatricality, this year's performances will feature Japanese dancer/choreographer Oguri (Venice, CA) with dancer Andrés Corchero (Catalonia, Spain) in an evening-length work inspired by Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, the dystopian fable in which fireman burn books rather than put out fires and ignorant complacency robs humanity of spiritual freedom and personal dignity. Today, 70 years after Bradbury's prescient tale, written while he lived in Venice, CA, Oguri creates in the same neighborhood. While celebrating freedom of expression, the dance pokes at a culture of anti-intellectualism, fake news, anti-depressants, and hedonistic pursuits.
Video from "My Neighbor Sky" at Festival Grec/ Barcelona 2013 and 2018. Andres Corchero and Oguri duet. https://vimeo.com/375994714
photography by Pep Daudé graphic design by Kio Griffith
@lightningshadow_ @electriclodge @culture_la. @lacountyarts @calartscouncil
These performances are made possible by City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, California Arts Council, Friends of Venice Library, Oregon Community Foundation, the Electric Lodge and our donors.